Welcome to all you new and existing WAHM's. Not sure what WAHM is? It's simple, it stands for "Work At Home Moms". I am hoping that I can help you find YOUR new journey for yourself and family. Starting a new home based business can be pretty overwhelming at times especially if you are not brought into the business in the right way. I have been trying many online businesses and multiple MLM businesses and I would have to say out of all of them only my one business I have a real leader. For instance I see so many mothers on facebook looking for new opportunity hoping that someone can help them make money that same week, is it possible? Yes, but does it always work? No. You can not and should not ever base other peoples success for YOUR success, There are some things YOU should remember and consider many of the people on these sites are not in any better condition than you may be.

It's always ok to ask about MLM companies on facebook and other places but you can't and should not jump into any business just because that person believes in it so much and that they are and may be doing well in it, if you have no desire or passion for these products and just looking to make extra income then you are already setting yourself up for failure. Another thing that scares me about YOU becoming a new WAHM is you getting talk into a business from someone off facebook that you don't even know, that may just sign you up to get a commission and just leave you stranded with no guidance. You need to be really smart when looking online and who your contacting, you will actually want to meet up with these business owners and make sure they live in the same town as you or close enough that you can get together on a weekly basis to help build your business.

Please take my advice on this, I did 2 home base businesses and both girls were there at the beginning, got me all pumped and then that was it, I was an hour away from both ladies, I had no car in which they knew so it was hard for me to get around. So I was left with little to no support, there were no meeting close to me to even learn the business. The thing with me is that I am a people person and I also learn better that way, and with no humans around me, it made me fail, not saying that this would be you, but it could be if your anything like me.

Money alone should never be a reason to start a new home base business. Some examples of why someone wants to become a WHAM! (Work At Home Mom) be home more with there children, take them out to the movies, buy your self something you have always wanted. These are only a very few things that people tell me why they want to become a WAHM (Work At Home Mom). I know I am just throwing a bunch of stuff at you right now but I have much to help you with and really hoping I can help you find that right home based business.

So first off before you start looking for that great opportunity you need to first work on yourself, if you have that step done great, but for those of you who feel all mixed up and full of weird emotions this needs to be fixed, I have personally been through it and I promise I still have these days every now and then, that is where your support comes in. Try to write down what you would do in a day or even in a week and see where you can fit all these things at different times to be able to start a home base business. For me would be a day 1 to day 5, day 6 & 7 is my time with family and nothing else except for the occasional event I go to for my business to help others (my team) build there's as well, cause that's what I do I lead by example for the people who come on board with me.

So Day 1 for example would be:
*Get kids fed and ready for school
*Eat my breakfast and enjoy a nice cup of coffee
*Check my emails for clients
*Put a load of laundry in the wash
*Make sure I have at least 30 minutes to 1 hour to work my business, could be reading material on it, watching videos, learning the products.
And so on.....It doesn't really matter if you do this all in order but make it a habit to check mark each thing off and if something doesn't get done it's not the end of the world you just add it to your next day list.

That's all for today ladies, starting today figure out your passion and what you truly enjoy and would love to share with friends and family.

Your WAHM Carolee